jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Suggestions for improving your Faculty

In our Faculty we are going through a process of curriculum reform that it causes very problems especially in the last four generation. The fifth generation still has the older curriculum and they are the last.
We also have two mesecup projects, and those are working in the faculty improve their situation but under certain criteria and those are not always the best or we don`t agree with.
The financial situation in the faculty is very homogeneous, I mean, the student doesn`t have problems for take copies when they need it or for eat or other stuff. However, we have a small percentage of students in the opposite situation, not so bad they even can study. This it reflects of not everyone who wants to study here it can, and now the faculty is planning a special admission for the poorest secondary students who want to enter to this faculty. This project it was created and executed by teachers and students together and starts the next year like a pilot project
We also have other problems like that we don`t have enough books or computers to work. This is easy to solve because with the mesecup projects we can by them or other way, it is with donation from the teachers or parent of the students.
The other problems about the implementations of the projects and the change in the curriculum, when we don`t like it we have to organize as students and come up with ideas and try to fix it with the teachers.
OK, now I have to go
See when I see you

4 comentarios:

  1. I think that you have reason, but you forgot the participation of all "estamentos" for to do all things that we want.

  2. Yes that is a really good project ! the "psychology project" to poors students :D! I hope that the porject be a wonderfull tool to improve de chilean education :D see you :D take care :D

  3. is really good have a project!.
    I agree... I hope that the changes that you propouse could happen soon.

    BY =)

  4. Hi Amaya, nice comments, I also think that our curriculums need to be improved. But the infraestructure is to me the most important thing.

    greets bye!
